The birth of the little ‘Ndrezzata
In the early ’80s , thanks to the contribution of the teacher Maria Galano , Riccardo D’Ambra and of course the older and more experienced members of the Folk Group ‘Ndrezzata, was to create the “Little ‘ Ndrezzata”. Composed by the pupils of the fourth and fifth classes of primary school Buonopane , the small ‘ Ndrezzata , enjoyed considerable success both on the island of Ischia on the mainland so as to receive some awards over to attend the event , including a number of important ‘ exhibition in Rome in front of Pope John Paul II. Today, thanks to the support of some teachers and the mothers of the children, in addition to the aid of the Folk Group ‘ Ndrezzata , and especially thanks to Antonio Sorbo , Raffaele Di Meglio and Marcello Di Costanzo , the small ‘ Nrezzata is reborn. Just like their predecessors , it is hoped that these young people ” ‘ ndrezzatori ” may in a few years to become a part of the real band so you can continue to carry on a tradition that has lasted for generations.